Crypto Ohenro NFT is a unique
amazing collection.


"Ohenro" refers to the pilgrimage around the Shikoku region in Japan that has been passed down since ancient times.

Around the year 800 AD, Kukai, who spread Buddhism in Japan, embarked on a grand pilgrimage to visit 88 temples associated with his teachings, making it an unparalleled journey of temple pilgrimage in the world.

While various religions around the world have their own sacred pilgrimages such as in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the pilgrimage tradition in Japan is somewhat unique.

While the Camino de Santiago also involves walking a long distance of about 800 kilometers, the Ohenro pilgrimage is known for its rigorous nature, spanning approximately 1400 kilometers and taking over 40 days to complete.



Gathering special seals once every 60 years

This NFT work (seals) holds significance from my pilgrimage in 2016.
By walking the pilgrimage in reverse order (from Temple 88 to Temple 1) during this year, it is said to bring ten times the usual blessings.
By the way, the next special year is in the distant future of 2076.


Just by owning the NFT, its value is incredible

A unique collection consisting of 88 types + extras.
To begin with, Goshuin (seal stamps) are not printed.
They are handwritten with care by the shrine priests, making them truly one-of-a-kind in the world.
The same NFT artwork does not exist twice in this world, and it is evident that it will hold value in the future.


Just by owning this NFT, you can experience the same effects as a pilgrimage

Pilgrimages hold tremendous power in reality.
There are stories of misfortune being lifted, wishes coming true, and even miracles occurring.
Regardless of religion, owning this NFT can enhance one's financial and physical well-being, leading to a positive transformation in life.


Part of the NFT sales will be used for donations

The teachings of Buddhism emphasize the idea of giving alms to help those in need.
In our world today, issues like the war in Ukraine, hunger, and conflicts persist.
I aim to contribute to these problems by donating a portion of the sales.
Furthermore, I intend to undertake the pilgrimage once again and contribute to the pilgrimage culture in Japan.
