#87 (02th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #87 Goshuin of Gokuraku-ji(極楽寺)
  • Title: Gokuraku-ji(極楽寺)
  • Temple No: 02
  • Principal Image: Amida Nyorai(阿弥陀如来)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    The temple was said to have been founded by Gyōgi in the 8th century but historical evidence seems to point to its construction during the Kamakura Period (13th century). In either case, it is classified as a National Treasure.

    According to legend, long ago, it was difficult for fishermen in Naruto Bay to catch enough fish to earn a living because the bright light from the honzon's halo reached all the way to the Bay and frightened the fish. To prevent this, the local fishermen built a small artificial hill between the bay and the image in order to block the light. Therefore, the temple came to be known as the Sun Light Mountain (Nisshōzan).

    On either side of the honzon are statues of Sakyamuni and Yakushi Nyorai. In the courtyard, in front of the temple, is a thousand-year-old cedar tree known as the Cedar of Long Life (Chōmeisugi), supposedly planted by Kōbō Daishi. It is believed that if you pray while touching it you will be granted a long life.

    The cedar tree is now popular among women for easing childbirth The temple has come to be known as the Fudasho of Anzan (the temple which grants an easy childbirth) and is dedicated to pregnant mothers.Legend states that a pregnant woman from ōsaka who had miscarried several times set off on the pilgrimage to find Kōbō Daishi in order to ask for his help with her current pregnancy. She walked the pilgrimage in reverse order (counter clockwise) and he appeared to her just as labor pains were beginning, here at Temple 2. With Kōbō Daishi's help, the woman gave birth to a healthy child. There are numerous statues of Jizō found here, all donated by women who have come to pray for a safe birth.

    Temple 2 was also burned down in the wars that ravaged the countryside in the 16th century. The temple buildings are now fairly new and in the process of expansion. A great many books state that, throughout the pilgrimage, the temples with the newest buildings and the most opulent displays are inevitably those dedicated to childbirth.

    Note the large marble carving of the Buddha's footprints at the base of the stairs to the daishidō.


The second temple is Gokuraku-ji(極楽寺).

The distance from the previous temple (third) is 2.5km.


The entrance to Gokuraku-ji. Like the previous temple, it is painted red and has a magnificent gate.


This is the main hall of Gokuraku-ji. Amida Nyorai is enshrined.


Next is the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi, where the remaining Heart Sutra is chanted.

I pray for the safety of my family and the peace of the world, which I have been praying every time since I started the pilgrimage.


In the temple grounds, there is a thick cedar tree called “Chomeisugi” that is likely to be 1000 years old.


There was also Fudo Myoo who asked after pouring water once.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #87 Goshuin of Gokuraku-ji(極楽寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #87 Goshuin of Gokuraku-ji(極楽寺) -

The second temple, Gokuraku-ji’s red stamp. The characters with clear strength are wonderful.

Finally, the next temple has become the last temple.

The distance to the next temple is 1.2km.


Crypto Ohenro #87 Goshuin of Gokuraku-ji(極楽寺)