#86 (03th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #86 Goshuin of Konsen-ji(金泉寺)
  • Title: Konsen-ji(金泉寺)
  • Temple No: 03
  • Principal Image: Shaka Nyorai(釈迦如来)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    The temple was founded by Gyōgi in the 8th century and originally called Konkōmyōji. It was renamed Konsenji (Golden Well Temple) by Kōbō Daishi when a golden stream of water sprang out of a well he dug by thrusting his staff into the ground. (This particular legend — of Kōbō Daishi digging wells — is found throughout both Shikoku and Japan) The hondō was burnt to the ground by Chōsokabe and his armies in 1582 and rebuilt during the Tokugawa Period. Gyōgi is also credited with carving the honzon.

    Frederick Starr makes note of crutches left at the temple by people who have been miraculously cured. He also notes two square cloths at the wash basin that are held up by four pegs but allowed to sag in the middle. These are for the relief of women who have died in childbirth. Henro pour water on them, thus cleansing the women's souls so that they may attain enlightenment.

    In the temple yard is a large (4 ft by 2 ft) stone called the Benkei Stone and the tomb of Emperor Chōkei, a 14th century emperor of the southern court. Legend states that Benkei (a legendary 12th century warrior priest and bodyguard for Yoritomo Yoshitsune) lifted the stone to demonstrate his strength when he and Yoshitsune stopped here in on their way to a battle on Yashima Island.


The third temple is Konsen-ji (金泉寺).

The distance from the previous temple (4th) is 4.9km.


The entrance to Konsen-ji. The red and white colors are very impressive, so it’s a magnificent gate.

Tall Kongo Rikishi statues stand to the left and right of the gate, waiting for pilgrims.


This is the main hall of Konsen-ji. Shaka Nyorai is enshrined.


In fine weather, chanting the Heart Sutra with other pilgrims and praying for the happiness of all human beings.


Next, he will recite the Heart Sutra at the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #86 Goshuin of Konsen-ji(金泉寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #86 Goshuin of Konsen-ji(金泉寺) -

The red stamp of Konsen-ji, the third temple. It must have been baptized and written by a master of the first move.

The rest are two more temples. The end is just around the corner.

The distance to the next temple is 2.5km.


Crypto Ohenro #86 Goshuin of Konsen-ji(金泉寺)