#85 (04th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #85 Goshuin of Dainichi-ji(大日寺)
  • Title: Dainichi-ji(大日寺)
  • Temple No: 04
  • Principal Image: Dainichi Nyorai(大日如来)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Temple 4 is set far back into a mountain valley on the north side of the Yoshino Plain and this is the first taste of searching for a temple off the main roads. Kōbō Daishi founded the temple and named it for the Dainichi Buddha. He also carved the its tiny honzon of Dainichi (Mahavairocana Buddha). For the past thousand years, the temple has been repeatedly destroyed and reconstructed. In the 17th century, it was rebuilt by a monk named Matsu. Hachisuka, the Daimyō of Awa Province, paid respect to, and worshipped at, this temple.

    In the corridor between the hondō and the daishidō are 33 statues of Senju Kannon Bosatsu plus several other Japanese and Chinese historical figures.


The fourth temple is Dainichi-ji (大日寺).

The distance from the previous temple (fifth) is 2km.


The entrance to Dainichi-ji. The gate where the red paint is peeling off makes you feel the history from ancient times.


This is the main hall of Dainichi-ji. Dainichi Nyorai is enshrined.


This is the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.

I have already visited 84 temples, and there are only a few sutras left.

I feel that I have come to pray for the safety of my family and the peace of the world from the bottom of my heart.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #85 Goshuin of Dainichi-ji(大日寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #85 Goshuin of Dainichi-ji(大日寺) -

The red stamp of the fourth temple, Dainichi-ji.

There are three more temples left.

The distance to the next temple is 4.9km.


Crypto Ohenro #85 Goshuin of Dainichi-ji(大日寺)