#84 (05th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #84 Goshuin of Jizō-ji(地蔵寺)
  • Title: Jizō-ji(地蔵寺)
  • Temple No: 05
  • Principal Image: Shōgun Jizō Bosatsu(勝軍地蔵菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Kōbō Daishi founded the temple on the order of Emperor Saga in 821. Originally the honzon was a small, two inch, statue of the Jizō Bosatsu of Victory but this was later replaced by the priest Jōkan (the 13th century renovator of the temple) to the present statue of Enmei-Jizō Bosatsu of Longevity. Contrary to the typical gentle image of Jizō, this depiction is that of a warrior.

    As with other temples, Chōsokabe's armies burned this temple down during the 16th century wars that ravaged the island.

    Of interest in a large U-shaped hall on the hill behind the hondō which houses 500 statues of Rakan (Arhats), each with a different expression on its face. The statues were carved by two priests in the 18th century and collected here at a later date. Enter the building in the Miroku wing, pass through the Amida wing (the center of the 'U'), and then work your way around to the Daishi wing, where the statues are representations of Boshisattvas instead of Arhats.

    Frederick Starr calls this temple Jizōdera. He also tells us that Gongen of Kishu Kumano appeared to Kōbō Daishi when he came here and gave him spiritual inspiration for carving. Starr spent the night here and was feted both at supper and at breakfast the next morning.

    If you are going up to Bangai Temple 1, the trail up starts here between Temples 5 and 6.


The fifth temple is Jizō-ji(地蔵寺).

The distance from the previous temple (6th) is 5.3km.


The entrance to Jizō-ji. It’s a small gate, but its small size is cute.


The road leading to the main hall. The contrast between light and shadow is beautiful.


This is the main hall of Jizō-ji. The only temple to pilgrimage, Shōgun Jizō Bosatsu, is enshrined.。


At the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi, we pray for the safety of our families and the peace of the world by chanting the Heart Sutra.


The precincts of Jizō-ji were very large, and the blue sky was wide, so I felt like taking a nap.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #84 Goshuin of Jizō-ji(地蔵寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #84 Goshuin of Jizō-ji(地蔵寺) -

The fifth temple, Jizō-ji’s red stamp.

There were four more temples until the end of the pilgrimage.

The distance to the next temple is 2km.


Crypto Ohenro #84 Goshuin of Jizō-ji(地蔵寺)