#13 (76th Temple)


cryptoohenro #76 Konzō-ji
  • Title: Konzō-ji(金倉寺)
  • Temple No: 76
  • Principal Image: Yakushi Nyorai(薬師如来)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Konzōji was originally called Dōzenji and was founded in 714by Wake-no-Michi-maro, the grandfather of Enchin (814-891), also known as Chisō Daishi. Chisō, a nephew of Kōbō Daishi and the sixth patriarch of Tendai Buddhism, was born here and remodeled the temple after the pattern of the Green Dragon Temple (Ch'ing-lungji) of Ch'ang-an after his return from China. In 851 the temple was named as one of the temples for the emperor to pray in. The present name was given to the temple in 928.

    At one time the temple owned 132 residential halls for monks but extensive fires in the 16th century destroyed most of it and was rebuilt on a smaller scale by the lord of Takamatsu castle.

    Of interest are the self-portrait of Chisō Daishi, a statue of him in the compound, a residential home for General Nogi, and the Tsuma-gaeshi-no-matsu (a pine tree under which the general's wife used to wait for him during military duties). This pine tree is also called the Waiting Pine because 'matsu' means both 'to wait' and 'pine tree.'


The 76th temple is Konzō-ji (Kanakuraji).

The distance from the previous temple (78th temple) is 3.9 kilometers.


Entrance of Konzō-ji. Like the previous temple, there are Kongo Rikishi statues standing on both sides of the gate.


The spacious grounds are well-maintained, creating a beautiful and serene atmosphere.


This is the main hall of Konzō-ji, where Yakushi Nyorai (Medicine Buddha) is enshrined.

It is a very large main hall, and there were many other pilgrims and tour groups present.


In the Daishi-do hall, which is slightly smaller than the main hall, I chanted the Heart Sutra once.

I prayed for the safety of my family, world peace, and expressed gratitude for the peace of mind in my daily life.


Since the name of Konzō-ji contains the character for “money” (金), it is known as a temple that brings blessings for financial fortune.

As I gazed at the large gold coins, I couldn’t help but feel like I could become truly wealthy.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #13 Goshuin of Konzō-ji(金倉寺) –

The Goshuin seal of Konzō-ji, the 76th temple. It is ordinary in calligraphic style, without any notable features.

There are still 75 temples left to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 3.8 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #76 Konzō-ji