#02 (87th Temple)


cryptoohenro #87 Nagao-ji
  • Title: Nagao-ji(長尾寺)
  • Temple No: 87
  • Principal Image: Shō Kanzeon(聖観世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    The temple was founded by Gyōgi Bosatsu in 738 (although Starr says that it was Shōtoku Taishi). Kōbō Daishi came her later and, in keeping a vow he made before leaving for China, performed a Goma ritual for the first seven nights in January (by the Chinese lunar calendar) and distributed amulets to the assembled people. This is the origin of the Daikaiyōfuka-ubai (The Rite of Chasing a Good Fortune). During this festival, there is a race where people care a big mochi (mashed rice) and this is famous through out Japan.

    The honzon was carved in a willow tree by Gyōgi (but Starr says that it was by Kōbō Daishi).

    This temple was one of seventeen monastic study centers established by Chishō Daishi of Tendai Buddhism. In 1681, the temple converted to Tendai Buddhism and was restored by Yorishige Matsudaira, the lord of Takamatsu castle.

    Of interest is the tomb of Shizuka Gozen, the lover of Minamoto Yoshitsune. After his death, she was ordained and entered the religious life here.


The 87th temple is Nagao-ji (Nagao Temple).

The distance from the previous temple (88th temple) is 12.3 kilometers.


The entrance of Nagao-ji. A bell hangs at the gate, and large straw sandals can be seen on the left and right.


This is the main hall of Nagao-ji, where Shō Kanzeon (Holy Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva) is enshrined.


Another angle of the main hall. It’s an impressive structure.

First, recite the Heart Sutra once here.


Next, at the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi), also recite the Heart Sutra once.

Pray for the safety of your family, world peace, and to find a place to sleep for the night.


Going back a little, there is a pilgrim information center on the road before reaching this temple.


By visiting this information center, you can learn in detail about the pilgrimage and study its historical background.


They also display Goshuin seals from about 150 years ago. The way they are written is different from the present.


This is the attire worn when undertaking the pilgrimage.

Of course, I also did the pilgrimage dressed like this.


NFT –  Crypto Ohenro #02 Goshuin of Nagao-ji(長尾寺)

The Goshuin seal of Nagao-ji, the 87th temple. It’s impressive.

There are still 86 more temples to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 7.0 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #87 Nagao-ji