The 15th temple is Awa Kokubun-ji (阿波国分寺).
The distance from the previous temple (16th) is 1.7km.
The entrance to Awa Kokubun-ji.
There is a bell in the precincts. I stopped ringing early in the morning because it seems annoying.
This is the main hall of Awa Kokubun-ji. Yakushi Nyorai is enshrined.
It looks more like a castle than a temple.
Next, chant the sutra at the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.
The bad weather may make my heart dark, but I wish for world peace with as bright a feeling as possible.
Inside the building, a flag was stuck on the wall without any gaps. I want one.
NFT – Crypto Ohenro #74 Goshuin of Awa Kokubun-ji(阿波国分寺) –
The red stamp of the 15th temple, Awa Kokubun-ji.
I have to go around 14 more temples.
The distance to the next temple is 0.8km.