#68 (21th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #68 Goshuin of Tairyū-ji(太竜寺)
  • Title: Tairyū-ji(太竜寺)
  • Temple No: 21
  • Principal Image: Kokūzō Bosatsu(虚空蔵菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Kōbō Daishi performed the Gumonjihō (reciting the Mantra of Kokūzō one million times) at the age of 15 on the summit of Mt. Tairyū. He later built this temple on the same location on the order of Emperor Kammu. This is one of the few locations where we are certain that legend is correct, and that Kōbō Daishi did visit this mountain, because he wrote about it in his own words. Another legend states that the temple's name comes about because a miraculous image, guarded by a great dragon, appeared during Emperor Jimmu's (the first Japanese Emperor) unification campaign.

    It took Kōbō Daishi fifty days to recite the Mantra of Kokūzō on the peak of this mountain. Yet, according to his writings, he was unsuccessful and didn't find the enlightenment that he was desperately searching for. He did, though,receive some spiritual encouragement from his experience and made a vow to go to Cape Muroto to continue his training.

    There was a serious fire here in 1895, but the hondō, daishidō, and pagoda all escaped damage. Because Kōbō Daishi performed the Gumonjihō here (twice), a Gumonji shrine is preserved in the temple courtyard.

    The temple is located at an elevation of 610 m (2,000 ft) and considered a nansho even though there is now a cable car which can take you to the top. If you walk, though, the trail is steep and tiring, although the scenery is beautiful.

    Frederick Starr mentions a monument to Kōbō Daishi on the summit of the mountain. Starr also notes being in a fine room in the temple where there were several painted screens, one being 150 years old and containing paintings of the 53 stages of the Tokaidō. He also says that this is the only temple which was both founded by Kōbō Daishi and where he served as the head priest. Starr goes on to recount how Kōbō Daishi meditated and fasted here for 100 days despite the temptations of 'evil spirits' who masked themselves as a fair woman, a terrible dragon, and other forms (i.e., he performed the gumonjihō ritual). But he conquered the evil spirits and after the mortification practices he performed many miracles both for himself and his companions.

    Starr was given a fuda while here which was called Kumano-no-gō. It is used when a contract is entered between two people. A bit of the paper is steeped in water and drank. After this, if one of the two people breaks the contract he will vomit blood. It can also be used to catch criminals as they will vomit blood if they drink water in which a bit of this has been steeped. Starr also notes that there is exorcism paper here as well.

    Starr notes that he was up at 6 the next morning in order to attend a goma ceremony performed by the temple priest. He also notes a large limestone cave in the area filled with stalactites and a subterranean river. The area is honeycombed with these caves, among them the Dragon Cave. Henro come here to pray for rebirth and, since the cave has come to symbolize the womb, for fertility.


The 21st temple is Tairyū-ji(太竜寺).

The distance from the previous temple (22nd) is 11.7km.


The gate of Tairyū-ji that suddenly appears on the mountain road.


If you go further back, you will see another gate on the stone steps.


On the road to the temple, there was a big tree that seemed to be 1000 years old.


This is the main hall of Tairyū-ji. Kokūzō Bosatsu is enshrined.

It is a main hall where you can feel the old feeling of wood beautifully.


Seen from the side, it’s very big and magnificent.


This is the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi. It goes great with the trees behind.

Say sutras while praying for the happiness of all and the peace of the world.


A small Jizo and a dragon were offered to the side of the temple.


A picture of a dragon is drawn on the ceiling board. This painting is full of soul and has a sense of dynamism.


I found a climb with 13 turtles overlapping. It seems to be good for immortality and longevity and fortune. It’s like a totem pole.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #68 Goshuin of Tairyū-ji(太竜寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #68 Goshuin of Tairyū-ji(太竜寺) -

The red stamp of the 21st temple, Tairyū-ji. Thick and powerful characters are just a model for calligraphy.

I have to go around 20 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 6.5km.


Crypto Ohenro #68 Goshuin of Tairyū-ji(太竜寺)