#62 (27th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #62 Goshuin of Kōnomine-ji(神峰寺)
  • Title: Kōnomine-ji(神峰寺)
  • Temple No: 27
  • Principal Image: Jūichimen Kanzeon(十一面観世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Gyōgi founded this temple and carved the honzon in the 8th century to worship both the Buddha and the local Shintō kami. While the honzon is kept in the hondō, a second Jūichimen Kannon and the Mercy Bodhisattva are kept as 'secret images' (hibutsu) and, as such, are only shown to the public on rare, and special, occasions.

    Kōnomineji is considered a nansho temple. The temple burned down in the beginning of the Meiji Period and the honzon was moved to Temple 26 until 1912. Because there was a law at that time forbidding the construction of new temples, local residents found an unused temple called Jizō-in in Ibaragi Prefecture, dismantled it, and moved it to this location. The honzon was then returned from Temple 26.

    The mother of Baron Iwasaki (the founder of the Mitsubishi Enterprise Corporation) prayed for her son's success at this temple and the Corporation later patronized the temple.

    There are two main buildings here, the Buddhist temple and a Shinto Shrine.

    Frederick Starr says that in ancient times, people only climbed to this temple in the morning because they feared the haunting demons that supposedly inhabited the area.


The 27th temple is Kōnomine-ji(神峰寺).

The distance from the previous temple (28th) is 37.5km.


The entrance to Kōnomine-ji. The old feeling of wood is nostalgic and cool.

A bright red Kongo Rikishi statue stands on the left and right of the gate, and seems to be watching to keep out bad people.


Beautiful spring water is also flowing, and it seems to be good for your body if you drink it.


This is the main hall of Kōnomine-ji. Jūichimen Kanzeon is enshrined.

Like the gate, the old wood is impressive.


Next, chant the sutra at the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.

I pray for the happiness and security of my family, friends and those around me, and for the peace of the world.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #62 Goshuin of Kōnomine-ji(神峰寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #62 Goshuin of Kōnomine-ji(神峰寺) -

The red stamp of the 27th temple, Kōnomine-ji. The sharp and dynamic characters are wonderful.

I have to go around 26 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 27.5km.


Crypto Ohenro #62 Goshuin of Kōnomine-ji(神峰寺)