#60 (29th Temple)

Tosa Kokubun-ji

Crypto Ohenro #60 Goshuin of Tosa Kokubun-ji(土佐国分寺)
  • Title: Tosa Kokubun-ji(土佐国分寺)
  • Temple No: 29
  • Principal Image: Senju Kanzeon(千手観世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    This temple was built by Gyōgi in 739 on the orders of Emperor Shōmu, like all other state temples in the 8th century. At the time it was built, its official name was Konkōmyō Shitennō Gokokuji. The temple was burned down and rebuilt numerous times during the time of Chōsokabe and Yamanouchi. This is one of the temples that Chōsokabe rebuilt after he converted to Buddhism in his older years.

    The statue of Kōbō Daishi is called Hoshiku Daishi because Kōbō Daishi performed the Rite of Astral Festivity (Hoshi Matsuri) here when he was 42 years old. Two Yakushi statues and a bell are considered Important Cultural Treasures.

    The two Niō statues are so worn that they are held together with large metal staples across their middles. Niō can be seen at nearly all Japanese temples, and are known as the Golden Kings that prevent devils from approaching the temple grounds. The gate at the front of a temple which houses the two Niō, one on each side, is called the Niōmon. Otherwise it is simply called the Sanmon.

    There is one official state temple in each province, and these are: Temple 15 (Awa/Tokushima), Temple 29 (Tosa/Kōchi), Temple 59 (Iyo/Ehime), and Temple 80 (Sanuki/Kagawa).


The 29th temple is Tosa Kokubun-ji (土佐国分寺).

The distance from the previous temple (30th) is 6.9km.


There is an old but splendid gate at the entrance of Tosa Kokubun-ji.


This is the main hall of Tosa Kokubun-ji. Senju Kanzeon is enshrined.

The building is old, but big and very nice.

Chant along with other pilgrim tours.


Next, he will recite the Heart Sutra at the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.

This is also an old building, but it still has a good old-fashioned atmosphere.


Although it is very rare, there is a Jizo enshrined for those who cannot stop drinking, called “Sake Jizoson”.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #60 Goshuin of Tosa Kokubun-ji(土佐国分寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #60 Goshuin of Tosa Kokubun-ji(土佐国分寺) -

The red stamp of Tosa Kokubun-ji, the 29th temple. I can draw the Sanskrit characters very well.

I have to go around 28 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 7.5km.


Crypto Ohenro #60 Goshuin of Tosa Kokubun-ji(土佐国分寺)