#52 (37th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #52 Goshuin of Iwamoto-ji(岩本寺)
  • Title: Iwamoto-ji(岩本寺)
  • Temple No: 37
  • Principal Image: Fudō Myōō, Amida Nyorai, Yakushi Nyorai, Shō Kanzeon Bosatsu and Jizō Bosatsu(不動明王, 阿弥陀如来, 薬師如来, 聖観世音菩薩, 地蔵菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    This was originally a complex of seven temples founded by Gyōgi Bosatsu at the order of Emperor Shōmu in the 8th century. The number seven stood for the seven good fortunes and for the seven stars described in the Ninnōkyō Sutra. This is said to be the start of the Star Festival (Hoshi Matsuri).

    Kōbō Daishi installed the five honzon with legends growing up around each one related to its own miraculous powers. Only this temple has five honzon. A popular saying goes:

    Fudō to avoid evil influence.
    Kannon for good luck.
    Jizō cares for children.
    Amida for the future life.
    Yakushi to overcome evil.

    The temple burned down in 1867 and was restored in 1890. It is at an elevation of 305 m (1000 ft).

    The main deity is Amida Nyorai, with the statue of Kannon on the left and the statue of Fudō on the right. The temple has been moved from its original location and the original is now called Takaoka shrine.


The 37th temple is Iwamoto-ji (Iwamoto Temple).

The distance from the previous temple (38th) is 80.7km. I get tired over a long distance.


The entrance to Iwamoto-ji. The temple gate is cramped in a small space.


This is the main hall of Gōshō-ji. The five gods of Fudō Myōō, Amida Nyorai, Yakushi Nyorai, Shō Kanzeon Bosatsu, and Jizō Bosatsu are enshrined here.


This is the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.

There is no other temple in the evening before the sun goes down, and I pray for family safety, world peace, and today’s bed with a quiet heart.


This is the shape of Shaka-sama’s foot. In the old days, we worshiped such footprints instead of Buddha statues.


In the middle of the temple, there is a building where other Buddha statues are carefully enshrined.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #52 Goshuin of Iwamoto-ji(岩本寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #52 Goshuin of Iwamoto-ji(岩本寺) -

The red stamp of Iwamoto-ji, the 37th temple.

I have to go around 36 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 58.5km.


Crypto Ohenro #52 Goshuin of Iwamoto-ji(岩本寺)