#45 (44th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #45 Goshuin of Daihō-ji(大宝寺)
  • Title: Daihō-ji(大宝寺)
  • Temple No: 44
  • Principal Image: Jūichimen Kanzeon(十一面観世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    The walk from Temple 43 to Temple 44 is beautiful as you meander through a high valley and follow a small beautifully clean river. There is little traffic to speak of and the mountains are simply gorgeous.

    This temple was originally the private assembly hall of a Korean monk who came to Japan in 701, the first year of Taihō. The statue of Kannon was his personal Buddha. Kōbō Daishi came here early in the 9th century and rebuilt it after it had fallen into disrepair as no one was staying here to maintain it.

    Legend states that at one time the land in this area was inhospitable to growing crops. When Kōbō Daishi was passing through the area, the one lone woman who still lived here begged him for company. He changed the course of the river, bringing it closer to the temple. The river brought fertility to the land and other farmers quickly moved back to the area. Thus the woman had her company.

    The sister of Emperor Go-Shirakawa was once chief abbess/nun here during his reign in the 12th century. The temple was destroyed by fire in 1873 but later restored.

    The temple is located in the town of Kuma at an elevation of 1,600 ft. and situated in a calm and quiet forest of cedar trees. Note the beautiful Niōmon and a pair of giant waraji.

    Frederick Starr notes that between Temple 44 and 45, there is a deep, dark cave where an enshrined statue of Fudō is worshipped.


The 44th temple is Daihō-ji (Daihoji).

The distance from the previous temple (45th) is 8.4km.


The entrance to Daihō-ji. This temple has no gate and the stairs are the entrance to the temple.

A wonderful view of the main shrine even from the bottom of the stairs.


This is the main hall of Daihō-ji. Jūichimen Kanzeon is enshrined.


Next, he will recite the Heart Sutra at the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.

I wish you the safety of your family, the peace of the world, and the delicious lunch.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #45 Goshuin of Daihō-ji(大宝寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #45 Goshuin of Daihō-ji(大宝寺) -

The red stamp of Daihō-ji, the 44th temple. It looks like a mark, but it looks very beautiful.

I have to go around 43 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 61.9km. This is hard because it’s a long distance away.


Crypto Ohenro #45 Goshuin of Daihō-ji(大宝寺)