#27 (62th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #27 Goshuin of Hōju-ji(宝寿寺)
  • Title: Hōju-ji(宝寿寺)
  • Temple No: 62
  • Principal Image: Jūichimen Kanzeon(十一面観世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    The temple of wealth and happiness decided that it wanted more wealth so that it could be happier, and that has upset the henro world. In 2016 and 2017 they converted the Hondō into a new house for the priests family, converted the Daishidō into the new Hondō, and converted an extra small temple building into the new Daishidō.

    Then they told the Reijōkai (the official association of the 88 temples) that they weren't going to pay annual dues; they wanted the money to stay at home. And voila, you now have a crisis. Long story short, no compromise has been found so the Temple of Wealth and Happiness has been kicked out of the 88 temple pilgrimage. The search is on for a new Temple 62.

    As of now, if you are a walking henro, you can still get your stamp book stamped at this temple. But bus tours and anyone being led by an official sendatsu have been told not to stop there. Temple stamps are now being given out in a small shack in a parking lot just outside of Temple 61. :-)

    If you can't find the new stamp office by Temple 61, just ask for directions at the stamp office there. But, as you are walking away from Temple 61, walk about 50m past the parking lot with the bathrooms and then look to the left.

    If you do visit the old Temple 62, it is attributed to Kōbō Daishi who built it on the orders of Emperor Shōmu as a place to recite the sutras (Hōraku-sho) in Iyo Province. It was called IchinoMiya, the shrine of Iyo Province. Kōbō Daishi is also attributed with having carved the honzon.It was carved in the likeness of Shōmu's Empress, Kōmyō, when she was sick. Shōmu dedicated a sutra he had copied himself to the temple.

    The temple was abandoned in the early Meiji Period and restored by a henro named Ryūhen in 1877. Frederick Starr notes that in front of the temple there is a Senju Kannon also carved by Kōbō Daishi.

    And now it has been removed from the pilgrimage.


The 62nd temple is Hōju-ji.

The distance from the previous temple (63rd) is 1.4km.


The entrance to Hōju-ji. It is a rare temple without a gate.

I hear that temples are in trouble nowadays, but I wonder if there is money to build a gate.


This is the main hall of Tennō-ji. Jūichimen Kanzeon (Eleven-faced Kanzeon Bosatsu) is enshrined.


Next is the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.

The green barricade under construction destroys the atmosphere, but still prays for the safety of the family and the peace of the world while chanting the Heart Sutra.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #27 Goshuin of Hōju-ji(宝寿寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #27 Goshuin of Hōju-ji(宝寿寺) -

The 62nd temple, Hōju-ji’s red stamp. Each stroke is very thick and powerful, and it looks like a picture. It’s a very good character.

I have to go around 61 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 1.3km.


Crypto Ohenro #27 Goshuin of Hōju-ji(宝寿寺)