#26 (63th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #26 Goshuin of Kichijō-ji(吉祥寺)
  • Title: Kichijō-ji(吉祥寺)
  • Temple No: 63
  • Principal Image: Bishamonten/Tamonten(毘沙門天)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    The three statues of Bishamonten (worshipped as the god of wealth), Kichijōten, and Zennishidōji were all carved by Kōbō Daishi. The temple was originally on the summit of the mountain, but after being destroyed in a battle between Chōsokabe and Kobayakawa warriors, it was rebuilt at the present location. This is the only temple on the pilgrimage that has a honzon of Bishamonten and it was chosen because he was supposed to have appeared to Shōtoku Taishi during a battle and to have saved his life.

    The temple's name Kisshō or Kichijō is derived from that of the supporting female deity of the honzon, the Hindu goddess Kichjōten (Mahasri or Laksmi).

    Like Temple 53, this temple also has a beautiful statue of Mariya Kannon (the Virgin Mary disguised as a Kannon) which was entrusted to Chōsokabe by a Spanish sea captain.

    I read somewhere that there is a large boulder near the temple entrance with a hole in it. It is said that if you can place a stick in the hole while approaching the boulder with your eyes closed, your wish will be granted. Good luck.


The 63rd temple is Kichijō-ji (Kichijoji).

The distance from the previous temple (64th) is 3.2km.


The entrance to Kichijō-ji. There is a cute little elephant stone statue in front of the gate.


This is the main hall of Kichijō-ji. Bishamonten / Tamonten is enshrined.

This is the only temple of the pilgrimage whose principal image is Bishamonten / Tamonten.


Although it is a small temple, there is a hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi.

I pray for the safety of my family, the peace of the world, and the safety of my pilgrimage.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #26 Goshuin of Kichijō-ji(吉祥寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #26 Goshuin of Kichijō-ji(吉祥寺) -

The red stamp of Kichijō-ji, the 63rd temple. It seems like I wrote it in a hurry.

I have to go around 62 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 1.4km.


Crypto Ohenro #26 Goshuin of Kichijō-ji(吉祥寺)