#24 (65th Temple)


Crypto Ohenro #24 Goshuin of Sankaku-ji(三角寺)
  • Title: Sankaku-ji(三角寺)
  • Temple No: 65
  • Principal Image: Jūichimen Kanzeon(十一面観世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    The temple was founded by Gyōgi on the model of Miroku's Tusita Heaven. In 815 Kōbō Daishi performed a 21 day Goma of Victory ritual here and carved the honzon. On the temple grounds is the triangular goma altar used by Kōbō Daishi in that ceremony. The temple's name comes from that triangular altar.

    Emperor Saga endowed the temple with 750 acres of land and it prospered until the 16th century, controlling 12 branch temples. At that time the temple was destroyed by fire and then restored.

    The name of the mountain (Sangō) on which this temple is located is Yurei-san (Ghost Mountain) because legend states that a ghost once lived around the temple and caused a lot of trouble. Kōbō Daishi got rid of the ghost through a Goma ritual, using the sankaku altar.

    In addition, there is a small triangular pond on the temple grounds as well as a statue of Jizō. At the Okunoin, the honzon is Kōbō Daishi. This is where he prayed to rid himself of the bad luck that comes with being 42 years old.

    This temple is also dedicated to easy childbirth but there is a twist. The expectant mother is supposed to pretend to break into the temple and steal a ladle, which she then places under her bed. After the delivery, she brings the ladle back to the temple for someone else to take and hide.

    The temple is near the top of the mountain at an elevation of 1,600 ft (450 m). The sanmon also doubles as the belfry.


The 65th temple is Sankaku-ji.

The distance from the previous temple (66th) is 18.1km.


The entrance to Sankaku-ji. It’s a bit old and has a nice atmosphere.


There are nearly 50 steps to the gate, and it feels very old made of stones.


This is the main hall of Sankaku-ji. Jūichimen Kanzeon (Eleven-faced Senju Kanzeon Bosatsu) is enshrined.

It is a large two-story building with a high roof.


A large Buddha statue stood beside the hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi, and seemed to be watching over the pilgrims.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #24 Goshuin of Sankaku-ji(三角寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #24 Goshuin of Sankaku-ji(三角寺) -

The red stamp of Sankaku-ji, the 65th temple. The strength of the thick and thin parts written with a brush is good, and it is a beautiful character that can be said to be an art.

I have to go around 64 more temples.

The distance to the next temple is 45.2km. It’s hard at a very long distance.


Crypto Ohenro #24 Goshuin of Sankaku-ji(三角寺)