#20 (69th Temple)


cryptoohenro #69 Kannon-ji
  • Title: Kannon-ji(観音寺)
  • Temple No: 69
  • Principal Image: Shō Kanzeon(聖観音世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Temple 69 and the town both share the same name. Kōbō Daishi stayed here and was the seventh priest of the temple. He founded the temple and carved the honzon as well, which is considered to be the incarnation of Empress Jingu. When Kōbō Daishi was here, he enshrined seven halls and forty-seven stupas around Kotobiki hall.

    This temple is thought to be an especially effective place to pray for victory in battle. This is because at the time of the Mongol invasions, Emperor Kameyama came here and prayed for the safety of the nation.

    One priest manages both Temple 68 and Temple 69. Temple 69 has several National Treasures, including an icon of Buddha entering Nirvana (Shaka-nehan-zō), Fudō Myōō, and painted scrolls of the temple's legend of Kotobiki Hachiman. Interestingly, this temple doesn't have a daishidō.

    Starr notes that when Kōbō Daishi came here, through the inspiration of Shichihozan Hachiman he buried seven treasures here. Hence the temple is also called Shichihozan Kannonji.


The 69th temple is Kannon-ji (Kannon-ji).

The distance from the previous temple (71st temple) is 11.3 kilometers.


The entrance of Motoyama-ji has a small gate but exudes an old-fashioned charm.


The main hall of Motoyama-ji. It enshrines Batō Kanzeon (Horse-Headed Kannon).

Uncommon for a pilgrimage temple, the Buddhist flag stands out prominently.


This is the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi). Even the wet floor from the rain adds to the atmosphere.

Reciting the Heart Sutra while wishing for the safety of family, world peace, and a comfortable place to sleep tonight.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #20 Goshuin of Kannon-ji(観音寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #20 Goshuin of Kannon-ji(観音寺) -

The Goshuin seal of Motoyama-ji, the 70th temple. The characters have a sense of dynamism and are as splendid as if they were written by a master calligrapher.

There are still 69 temples left to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 4.5 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #69 Kannon-ji