The 72nd temple is Mandara-ji (Mandara-ji).
The distance from the previous temple (73rd temple) is 0.6 kilometers.
Entrance of Mandara-ji.
On the left and right sides of the gate, there are Kongo Rikishi statues, and the age of the gate’s wooden materials is evident.
This is the main hall of Mandara-ji, where Dainichi Nyorai (Great Sun Buddha) is enshrined.
It’s unfortunate that the trees in the foreground obstruct the view of the main hall in the camera.
Even in the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi), I chant the Heart Sutra, praying for world peace and personal safety.
NFT – Crypto Ohenro #17 Goshuin of Mandara-ji(曼荼羅寺) –
The Goshuin seal of Mandara-ji, the 72nd temple. The Sanskrit characters are written powerfully.
There are still 71 temples left to visit.
The distance to the next temple is 3.5 kilometers.