#17 (72th Temple)


cryptoohenro #72 Mandara-ji
  • Title: Mandara-ji(曼荼羅寺)
  • Temple No: 72
  • Principal Image: Dainichi Nyorai(大日如来)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Originally called Sesaka-dera, this was built in 596 and was the ancestral temple of the Saeki clan, into which Kōbō Daishi was born. When he returned from China, he dedicated the Kongōkai and Taizōkai mandalas signifying the worlds of the cosmic Buddha and enshrined the Dainichi Nyorai as the honzon. Kōbō Daishi modeled the temple after Ch'ing-lung-si Temple in China (Shoyuji) and it took three years to build. Once built, it was renamed to its present name.

    Of interest is the Ageless Pine Tree in the temple courtyard. It is a huge (but not tall) dome-shaped tree and maintained in the form of a circle. It is said that Kōbō Daishi himself planted the tree here.


The 72nd temple is Mandara-ji (Mandara-ji).

The distance from the previous temple (73rd temple) is 0.6 kilometers.


Entrance of Mandara-ji.


On the left and right sides of the gate, there are Kongo Rikishi statues, and the age of the gate’s wooden materials is evident.


This is the main hall of Mandara-ji, where Dainichi Nyorai (Great Sun Buddha) is enshrined.

It’s unfortunate that the trees in the foreground obstruct the view of the main hall in the camera.


Even in the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi), I chant the Heart Sutra, praying for world peace and personal safety.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #17 Goshuin of Mandara-ji(曼荼羅寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #17 Goshuin of Mandara-ji(曼荼羅寺) -

The Goshuin seal of Mandara-ji, the 72nd temple. The Sanskrit characters are written powerfully.

There are still 71 temples left to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 3.5 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #72 Mandara-ji