#14 (75th Temple)


cryptoohenro #75 Zentsū-ji
  • Title: Zentsū-ji(善通寺)
  • Temple No: 75
  • Principal Image: Yakushi Nyorai(薬師如来)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Famous as the birthplace of Kōbō Daishi, this was the first Shingon temple in Japan. Its name derives from his father's name Yoshimichi (Zenstv), which literally means 'Right Path.'

    Legend states that the temple was built on sand from the eight sacred places of India, which had been given to Kōbō Daishi by his teacher Hui Kuo. It took six years to complete construction and was dedicated in 816 (or 813). Kōbō Daishi also is credited with carving the honzon. The chief priest was traditionally appointed by the emperor himself.

    This location is also called Byōbugara. Kōbō Daishi parents are Yoshimichi Saeki and Tamayori-gozen. The name he was given at birth was Mao (Real Fish).

    As is appropriate, this temple, and its surrounding town, is the largest on the island of Shikoku and contains the typical seven shrines and pagoda. Be sure to visit the tunnel corridor (Kaidan Meguri) in the basement of Tanjōin. You must walk the one hundred yards through the tunnel and past 88 Buddhas without a lamp. Evil people are supposed to get stuck in the tunnel. Also in the tunnel is a small square, said to mark the exact spot of Kōbō Daishi's birth.

    There is controversy about this temple, though. At the time of Kōbō Daishi's birth, women were generally banned from the house during times of menstruation and childbirth as they were considered to be ritually unclean at these times. Some say that Kōbō Daishi was born at a house nearer the beach and there is a bangai temple at that location now, but there seems little doubt that he was raised in a house at this location.

    At this temple one can see a grave where Mao buried his dog, a scroll written by his mother, and a statue carved by Kōbō Daishi when he was a young man. Near the back of the temple compound is the Miedo, once the house of Kōbō Daishi's mother and now a temple. Also in the back is a new meditation hall, made of highly polished marble, and a n new stupa.

    In the vicinity of the temple is Konpira Shrine (also known as Konpira-san) where the famous Shintō kami Konpira is enshrined and attracts four million visitors each year. Especially fishermen, seamen, and pilots worship this shrine because it is considered the guardian of shipwrecks and voyages. It is located on the top of Mt. Zōzu (Elephant Head) at an elevation of 1,700 ft. There are 785 stone steps to the hondō.


The 75th temple is Zentsuji-ji.

The distance from the previous temple (76th temple) is 3.8 kilometers.


Entrance of Zentsū-ji. It may be difficult to see in the photo, but it is very large, and there is a large tower visible behind it.


Within the temple grounds, there is a unique low gate, and beyond it, a small Buddhist pagoda can be seen.


Traw sandals are displayed at the gate along the way.


There is also a photo panel where you can peek your face and take a picture. Now you can be a pilgrim too!


There is a very large five-story pagoda towering above. While there are five-story pagodas throughout Japan, this one is among the most magnificent.


This is the main hall of Zentsū-ji, where Yakushi Nyorai (Medicine Buddha) is enshrined.

 Here, I chant the Heart Sutra once.


Before going to the next location to chant the sutra, the gate is visible. Kongo Rikishi statues are waiting on both sides of the gate.


The Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi) is very large and splendid.

I chant the Heart Sutra once, pray for the safety of my family, world peace, and express gratitude for the day.


This temple is very spacious, with many other points of interest.


There is a moat around the temple, preserving the traditional Japanese atmosphere.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #14 Goshuin of Zentsū-ji(善通寺) –

NFT - Crypto Ohenro #14 Goshuin of Zentsū-ji(善通寺) -

The Goshuin seal of Zentsū-ji, the 75th temple. It is written in a unique and delicate style, resembling some kind of creature.

There are still 74 temples left to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 1.6 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #75 Zentsū-ji