#12 (77th Temple)


cryptoohenro #77 Dōryū-ji
  • Title: Dōryū-ji(道隆寺)
  • Temple No: 77
  • Principal Image: Yakushi Nyorai(薬師如来)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    Wake no Michitaka founded the temple in 749 to repent for accidentally shooting his nurse with an arrow. At the same time, he carved a small statue of Yakushi from a mulberry tree and enshrined it as the temple's honzon. Kōbō Daishi later carved a larger statue of Yakushi and placed this smaller one inside.

    Chōyv, a descendant of Wake-no-Michitaka, later expanded the temple by adding twenty-three structures, including a Yakushi Shrine, Maitreya Shrine, hondō, belfry, and more. He accomplished this by selling his own mulberry farm, jewelry, and other treasures.

    Chishō Daishi established the custom of giving annual Lotus Sutra lectures here and carved statues of the Five Guardian Deities. For several centuries, both Tendai and Shingon monks were sent here by imperial order to study and it was designated an official place of imperial worship. However, the Tenshō fire in the 16th century reduced thee temple to one-tenth its original size.

    The temple belongs to the Daigo-ha Shingon sect, and is called Dai Honzan (Great Headquarters). Of interest nearby is Kaiganji, a legendary site of the birth of Kōbō Daishi. Also of interest are the huge waraji dedicated to the temple at the temple gate.


The 77th temple is Dōryū-ji.

The distance from the previous temple (78th temple) is 7.2 kilometers.


Entrance of Dōryū-ji. The gate’s size and overwhelming presence, along with the large Kongo Rikishi statues on both sides, await visitors.

The temple is designed in a way that allows the main hall to be visible from the front.


This is the main hall of Dōryū-ji, where Yakushi Nyorai (Medicine Buddha) is enshrined.

The Buddhist flag stands out against the large black building.


Here is the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi).

It has a quiet presence, with a serene atmosphere flowing through.


A statue depicting Kobo Daishi during his pilgrim’s training is placed here.

The series of stone statues that stretch in multiple layers is also worth seeing.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #12 Goshuin of Dōryū-ji(道隆寺) –

The Goshuin seal of Dōryū-ji, the 77th temple. The brushwork flows gracefully, capturing intricate details.

There are still 76 temples left to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 3.9 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #77 Dōryū-ji