#10 (79th Temple)


cryptoohenro #79 Tennō-ji
  • Title: Tennō-ji(天皇寺)
  • Temple No: 79
  • Principal Image: Jūichimen Kanzeon(十一面千手観世音菩薩)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    This temple is popularly called Sūtoku Tennōji (Emperor Svtoku's Temple) because his coffin was preserved and worshipped here for a short time after his assassination at Tsutsumigaoka in 1156.

    The temple was founded by Yamato Takeru (although Readicker-Henderson says it was Kōbō Daishi), who, legend states, killed a fish monster here. Later, Kōbō Daishi revived it under the name of Manju-in and dedicated three Buddhas, a Jvichi-men Kannon, an Aizen Myōō, and an Amida Nyorai.

    In the temple compound is the Yasoba fountain where the body of Emperor Svtoku was cleaned daily for twenty-one days after his death before being moved to Temple 81 for burial. The fountain looks like a pond in the dim shade of big trees. Legend states that Kōbō Daishi carved a statue of Yakushi in stone, dedicated it in this fountain, and performed an esoteric rite.

    As an indication of how remote the pilgrimage is for foreigners, a woman at the Nōkyōsho told Readicker-Henderson while the temple receives about 100,000 visitors each year, on average only one of them is non-Japanese. And that one is usually an Indian.

    This temple, as well, shares it's compound with a Shintō shrine. This shrine has a particularly thick shimenawa (ceremonial rope) over the entrance.


The 79th temple is Tennō-ji (Tenno-Temple).

The distance from the previous temple (80th temple) is 6.6 kilometers.


Entrance of Tennō-ji. Instead of a traditional temple gate, it has a Shinto shrine torii gate.

Although it appears spacious, there isn’t much to see at this temple.


This is the main hall of Tennō-ji, where Jūichimen Kanzeon (Eleven-Faced Thousand-Armed Kannon) is enshrined.

I encountered a group of other pilgrims on a tour, and it was noisy as I recited the sutra.

Elderly people are particularly prevalent in tour groups visiting the pilgrimage sites.


Next is the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi), where I recite the Heart Sutra.

I pray for the safety of my family, world peace, and longevity for the tour participants who came on the pilgrimage.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #10 Goshuin of Tennō-ji(天皇寺) –

The Goshuin seal of Tennō-ji, the 79th temple. The calligraphy resembles a picture. It is truly artistic.

There are still 78 more temples to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 5.9 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #10 Tennō-ji