#07 (82th Temple)


cryptoohenro #82 Negoro-ji
  • Title: Negoro-ji(根香寺)
  • Temple No: 82
  • Principal Image: Senju-Sengen Kanzeon(千手観音)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    This temple was founded by Kōbō Daishi before his trip to China in 804. Chishō Daishi, a nephew of Kōbō Daishi, carved the Senju Kannon from cherry wood (Starr says it was Kōbō Daishi himself) and enshrined it here at the request of a local Shintō kami, Ichinosemyōjin. At a later date, the temple was lavishly patronized by Emperor Go-Shirakawa, owned 99 branch temples, and possessed a thousand koku of rice. But, like many of the temples on Shikoku, most of this was destroyed by fire in the 16th century.

    This temple is located on the same plateau as temple 81. The plateau is called Goshiki Dai (The Plateau of Five Colors) because it consists of five differently colored peaks symbolizing the five forms of Buddha Mahavairocana.

    The name of the prefecture, Kagawa (Fragrant/Incense River), is derived form a river flowing from the root of a tree in the courtyard of this temple. This temple, like Temple 81, is located at 1200 ft (360 m).

    Of interest is the shrine enshrining 10,000 images of Kannon. Also of interest is the thousand-year-old Keyaki (Zelkova) tree and the large statue in front of the main gate of Ushi-oni (the Ox Devil). Legend states that in the 16th century, a devil animal with an ox head and a body like a fox appeared frequently on this plateau and scared the local people. A brave samurai named Kurando Yamada, an archery expert, shot the devil, cut off its head, and brought it to the temple in memory of the dead devil. The people called the animal Ushi-oni and believed that it had the power to purge an evil force. Later, they built a statue of the Ushi-oni near the fountain in the temple compound. Now, a sacred Shimenawa even hangs around it.


The 82nd temple is Negoro-ji(Negoro-temple).

The distance from the previous temple (83rd temple) is 11.9 kilometers.


The entrance of Negoro-ji. There are large straw sandals at the gate of this temple.


Kongo Rikishi statues welcome you on both sides of the gate.


Apologies for the poor image quality due to the low performance of the camera, but there were numerous statues of Kannon and lanterns.


This is the main hall of Negoro-ji, where Senju-Sengen Kanzeon (Thousand-Armed Kannon) is enshrined.

Unfortunately, I ended up with a group of pilgrimage tour participants. It was noisy, but I recited the sutra.


At the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi), I also recited the Heart Sutra with other tour participants.

It is necessary to be free from disturbance by other pilgrims and maintain a state of mindfulness.


There is an old, large tree, but it is not particularly significant.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #07 Goshuin of Negoro-ji(根香寺) –

The Goshuin seal of Negoro-ji, the 82nd temple. The calligraphy is not very beautiful, resembling the squiggles of an earthworm.

There are still 81 more temples to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 5.0 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #07 Negoro-ji