#04 (85th Temple)


cryptoohenro #85 Yakuri-ji
  • Title: Yakuri-ji(八栗寺)
  • Temple No: 85
  • Principal Image: Shō Kanzeon(聖観音)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    This temple is located on Go-ken-zan (Five sword mountain) and was founded by Kōbō Daishi in 827 after five swords appeared in the sky, signifying a successful completion to the gumonjihō rite. The top of the mountain has five huge rocks on the top, as the name also signifies.

    When on the way to China, he planted 8 baked chestnuts (Yakuri) here and on his return he found that they had grown into great trees, hence the temple's name. The honzon is also attributed to Kōbō Daishi. As with most temples, Chōsokabe's warriors burned the temple down in the 16th century, but it was rebuilt by the Lord of Takamatsu Castle, Matsudaira.

    The Shōden, or Kangiten, an elephant faced deity in the Hindu tradition, was donated to Saint Mokujiki by Empress Tōfukuin in the 16th century and has been popularly worshipped here by many devotees. Thousands of people visit here on the 16th of every month to pray for their business success.

    Of interest is the Ajikan Meditation Hall (open to the public). The temple is one of the richest on the island and is known as the temple of Ganesa (Shōden) all over western Japan.


The 85th temple is Yakuri-ji (Yakuri-temple).

The distance from the previous temple (86th temple) is 6.5 kilometers.


The entrance gate of Yakuri-ji. It’s just like any other typical temple entrance in Japan.


Interestingly, Yakuri-ji is located at an elevation of 223 meters, so you need to take a cable car to reach the temple.


Stone statues line the mountain path.


From the mountain, you can overlook the town. It’s surrounded by nature, and the air is fresh and clean.


A statue of Kobo Daishi welcomes visitors for worship.


When you see a large torii gate, Yakuri-ji is right there.


This is the main hall of Yakuri-ji, where Shō Kanzeon (Holy Avalokitesvara) is enshrined.


Next, at the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi), other pilgrims are reciting sutras.

Here, pray for the safety of your family, world peace, and to enjoy delicious udon noodles.


There is a spot on the temple grounds where Buddha statues are lined up, creating a mystical atmosphere.


Stop by a udon noodle shop you come across on the way to the next temple. 

They serve affordable and delicious udon noodles with toppings like eggs and condiments.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #04 Goshuin of Yakuri-ji(八栗寺) –

The Goshuin seal of Yakuri-ji, the 85th temple. It’s beautifully done with powerful brushwork.

There are still 84 more temples to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 5.4 kilometers.


cryptoohenro #04 Yakuri-ji