#03 (86th Temple)


cryptoohenro #86 Shido-ji
  • Title: Shido-ji(志度寺)
  • Temple No: 86
  • Principal Image: Jūichimen Kanzeon(十一面観世音)
  • Price: 0.005ETH
  • Edition: 1/1
  • Additional Information: 

    One of the daughters of Fujiwara Kamatari went to China to become a concubine of the T'ang emperor Tai-tsung. Once there, she sent back three tiny but precious jewels for her brother's use in work on Nara's Kōfukuji. Unfortunately the boat sank near Shido Bay and the three jewels were stolen by the Dragon King.

    Her brother, Fubito, disguised himself and married a female diver in the area in order to recover the jewels. Eventually the wife gave birth to a son and at that time promised to recover the jewels on the condition that the husband promise to make the son his heir. Through a heroic dive, the woman recovered the jewels, but at the cost of her life because the Dragon King saw her and she only got away by slitting herself and hiding the jewels inside. She was dead when she reached the surface. The son, Fusasaki, became the heir and the ancestor of the northern branch of the Fujiwara aristocracy. The jewels sit between the eyes of the Shakuson statue at Kōfukuji in Nara.

    This temple was built by the son and by Gyōgi Bosatsu in the 694 as a memorial to her and remains dedicated to the spirits of the dead (hence a strong association with Emma, the King of Hell). However, the original temple dates from much earlier and the honzon dates from the time of Empress Suiko in the 6th century.

    According to Starr, the buildings were rebuilt by Gyōgi and the honzon is by Kōbō Daishi. Some say it is the incarnation of Monju Bosatsu, some say Sonoko Ama. The main Buddha with the Fudō and Bishamon are all National Treasures.

    This legend has been made famous the Noh drama called Ama. Of interest are the tomb of Ama, a landscape garden featuring flowing water which is the masterwork of Hosokawa from the Muromachi Period, a Hosokawa from the Muromachi Period, a Niōō gate,, the hondō, and the five-story pagoda (Go-jū-no-tō).


The 86th temple is Shido-ji(Shido Temple).

The distance from the previous temple (87th temple) is 7.0 kilometers.


The entrance of Shido-ji. Following the 88th and 87th temples, there are large straw sandals at the gate of this temple.

On the left and right of the gate, Kongo Rikishi statues stand tall, illuminated beautifully by the evening sun.


It seems like someone left their walking stick near the Buddhist statues.


This is the main hall of Shido-ji, where Jūichimen Kanzeon (Eleven-faced Avalokitesvara) is enshrined.


Next, at the Daishi-do hall (hall with an enshrined statue of Kobo Daishi), also recite the Heart Sutra once.

Pray for the safety of your family, world peace, and to enjoy a delicious lunch.


On the way to the next temple, I found a udon noodle shop.


Udon is a soul food in Japan. It’s affordable and delicious. Especially in Kagawa Prefecture, udon is considered the best in Japan.


NFT – Crypto Ohenro #03 Goshuin of Shido-ji(志度寺)–

The Goshuin seal of Shido-ji, the 86th temple. It has beautiful, flowing calligraphy.

There are still 85 more temples to visit.

The distance to the next temple is 6.5 kilometers.


Crypto Ohenro #03 Goshuin of Shido-ji(志度寺)